Spanglung Sapi is a hamlet with 15 nos of households, located at a side dale of Sapi valley. It is situated 78 km Away from district headquarters “Kargil” at an elevation of 3877 meters. ASL. The peoples are mostly farmers, herders, and Gref Labours. Located in a structurally disadvantaged area the hamlet is not yet connected to any source of energy. Apart from that the village has a good potential to harness electricity through a micro-hydro system, in addition, a favorable amount of spring water is available for 12-month power generation.
Upon the approach of Spanglung Villagers, Ladakh Ecological Development Group, took the initiative and proposed to construct a 10 KW Micro-hydro Power unit, so that people of the hamlet could get access to the electricity for lighting, running of electric butter churner, spinning machine, etc.
In absence of external funding, LEDeG managed to arrange 10 KW with all its accessories equipment from its own resources and transported to the beneficiaries. In the month of September- October 2013 installed the system with the support of villagers.
Based on LEDeG’s earlier experiences and learning the project is initiated on a participatory approach by maximum involvement of stakeholders. A village electricity committee is formed and Operator was appointed for the smooth functioning of the system. A minimal tariff was fixed for future maintenance and restoration.